
FRAC64 is a fraction number type. It can represent any signed fractions where numerator and denominator are in the range of signed 32bit integers, that is the range from -(231) to 231-1 or analogous −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Thereby the smallest representable absolute value is 1/2,147,483,647, the largest positive integer number is 2,147,483,647, the largest negative integer number is −2,147,483,648.

FRAC64 provides a special NaN (not a number) value to constitute values that cannot be expressed correctly or that are in fact not a number like any fraction with a denominator of zero. Overflows and underflows result in special NaN that indicate the type of error. Any value is either a mathematically correct number or NaN.


FRAC64 represents fraction numbers as 64bit values composed of 2 components, a 32bit numerator and a 32bit denominator. While both components are technically 32 bit signed integers using two’s complement for negative numbers the denominator is never negative as the sign of the fraction is always kept with the numerator. As a consequence the 32nd bit - the highest bit of the denominator - is always zero.

The numerator is in the high order end, the denominator in the low order end.

63 32 31 30 0
numerator 0 denominator


FRAC64 allows efficient computations of all basic arithmetic operations (in the absence of fraction specific processor instructions) on the basis of signed 64bit and 32bit integer arithmetic. It can be added to or on top of all languages and target architectures that provide this common arithmetic operations/types.

FRAC64 is a reinterpretation of signed 64bit integers, this implies that single values avoid heap allocation, multiple values can be stored efficiently in arrays without record or object headers or pointer overheads.

CPU instruction sets with unaligned load/store instructions might support to decompose numerator and denominator by special load instructions.

In the absence of special load instructions a single logic operation can be used. To extract the numerator right shift the fraction by 32 bits.

	numerator = fraction >> 32

To extract the denominator truncate the higher order end 32bits by a logical AND with an appropriate mask or by shifting the fraction first left then right by 32 bits.

	denominator = fraction & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF
	denominator = (fraction << 32) >> 32

In the general case the overhead of composition and decomposition is usually that of 6 shift or logic instructions (that usually take a single processor cycle each) for all of the four basic arithmetic operations. In case the CPU’s instruction set has unaligned load/store instructions the overhead is presumably 1 or 2 single cycle instructions.

Addition & Subtraction

As fractions are signed addition and subtraction are similar cases.

There is a fast path for addition/subtraction of fractions with same denominator, as it is the case for adding whole numbers represented as fractions.

	sum = a + b - denominator(a)

The two fractions a and b are added as 64bit integers, the common denominator (that has been added twice by the addition) is subtracted again. The less obvious but major benefit of the fast path is that it can cope without aggressive cancellation.

Fractions with different denominator are decomposed, the usual arithmetic of multiplying numerator and denominator cross-over before adding the resulting numerators is done and the fraction is recomposed again.

Multiplication & Division

Both multiplication and division require the two multiplications of numerator and denominator integers that are usual for fraction math. The parts have to be decomposed and recomposed to a fraction result as described earlier.


FRAC64 arithmetic uses 64bit integer instructions with decomposed inputs that are always known to use only 32 respective 31 bit what makes sure all in-between results are in range of 64bit register width. Through cancellation large intermediate results might become representable again.

It is advisable to always cancel results as soon as they are based on multiplication(s) as numerator and denominator will accumulate quickly otherwise and become unrepresentable with a growing number of arithmetic operations chained. This is a general problem of fraction arithmetic that has to be dealt with.

Unfortunately a cancellation requires non-trivial arithmetic. Usually the GCD (greatest common divisor) is computed. While there is a binary GCD algorithm that is based on logic operations and subtraction within loops any non-trivial cancellation will require at least two 32bit divisions in addition to the GCD. The instructions resulting from these steps will clearly dominate the cost of any basic arithmetic operation completed with a cancellation. However, this price comes with the concept of fractions and is only specific to this representation in that numerator and denominator have a range of 32bit to operate within.


Anything with a denominator of zero is NaN. The numerator could be used to encode the kind of arithmetic error that occurred.


To keep things simple a fraction is always shown as it is stored: with signed numerator and unsigned denominator:.


In case of whole numbers (denominator is 1) the fraction might be shown as:



There does not seamed to be a standard for representing fractions using a 64-bit numbers. Yet it is important to have real primitives to match computational performance of common math.